Festiwal Polonii 2022 Melbourne

Polish writer, author of short stories and fantasy novels permanently residing in Australia. He made his debut in the literary monthly Nowy Wyraz in 1977 with the short story “Strażnik”. Later, thanks to the “Somnambul” Fantasy Club “Somnambul”, founded in Bytom, he became known in Fandom, publishing in many magazines and anthologies.
In 1986 he was the winner of the second literary competition announced by the “Fantastyka” monthly. (next to Sapkowski and Huberath). In the same year he got married and went to the antipodes, where he lived to see two wonderful daughters and three grandchildren. After years he returned to writing.
Known most for his steampunk “Solar Trilogy”, he planned a new cycle, the first volume of which is awarded the Żuławski Silver Award 2020 “Necrolotum”, and Chronometrus” awarded again by Silver Zulawski Award 2022.